Tuesday, May 18, 2010


From: Jay Hannah
Sent: Tuesday, May 18, 2010 12:36 PM
To: Andria Hannah
Subject: movie

Oops, I forgot. Put 'Deadgirl' somewhere Zach won't find it. Not appropriate.



From: Andria Hannah
> Okay. Did mention to him on Sunday to watch the other movies
> we rented and that one was a flat out no from him. So we
> lucked out.

From: Jay Hannah
> I'm very disappointed in your judgment that you let ME watch it.
> My mother will be calling you.

From: Andria Hannah
> That bad huh? Was is scary?
> So to add to my “Do not let Jay do…..” list, I will include
> looking at the dollar shelf.

From: Jay Hannah
> Um, no it was... um...
> Let's just say I don't want Zach thinking about zombie sex
> slaves.
> waaaaaaaay off the "how to treat women" planet for any 13
> year old.
> Or 34 year old.

From: Andria Hannah
> Got it. Maybe that should be back in Family Videos
> “secret room”.

From: Jay Hannah
> Well, it's definitely not porn.
> It's just... um...
> Give it watch and you tell me what it is. :)
> In it's defense, the only guy that lives to the end is
> the only guy that doesn't use the dead girl as a sex
> slave... So I guess it should be in the romantic comedy
> section. :)

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Catalyst and Quality Assurance bliss

I've fallen in love with website testing. Again. Catalyst and WWW::Mechanize are awesome. The scenario below takes several monotonous and error prone minutes to QA as a human, or several seconds as a series of automated tests. New feature + test coverage == Joy!!

$work[0] test count is back over 3,000 again and Hudson is keeping an eye on everything for us every 30 minutes. Very cool.

$ perl -Ilib t/avail_book_SG-autoenroll_cancel.t
[debug] Statistics enabled
ok 1 - GET http://localhost.omnihotels.com/
ok 2 - Content-type:
ok 3 - title>
ok 4 - Select a City
ok 5 - No errors
ok 6 - !- BEGIN: om/rr/RR1_2.tt -->
ok 7 - !- BEGIN: om/rr/RR1_3.tt -->
ok 8 - !- BEGIN: om/rr/RR1_4.tt -->
ok 9 - !- BEGIN: om/rr/RR1_5.tt -->
ok 10 - Res ID(s) are 40002401426
ok 11 - SG number 62379458 created by sg_auto_enroll checkbox
ok 12 - click Activate Account Password & Preferences
ok 13 - !- BEGIN: om/sg/SI4.tt -->
ok 14 - submit SI4 (form fields should have been defaulted for us)
ok 15 - !- BEGIN: om/sg/SI3.tt -->
ok 16 - submit SI3
ok 17 - !- BEGIN: om/sg/SG6.tt -->
ok 18 - GET /?Phoenix_state=clear&pagedst=RR2
ok 19 - !- BEGIN: om/rr/RR1_5.tt --> Retrieved 40002401426 for cancellation
ok 20 - Click 'Cancel Reservation'
ok 21 - Reservation 40002401426 cancelled
$ cat t/avail_book_SG-autoenroll_cancel.t
use Test::WWW::Mechanize::Catalyst 'Phoenix';

use strict;
use Test::More tests => 21;
use FindBin qw($Bin);
use lib "$Bin/lib";
use phoenix_test;

my %SI3_args = (
loginName => ('jhannah' . time),
password => 't123',
EMAIL => 'jhannah@omnihotels.com',
Question => 'CITY',
Answer => 'Shmomaha',

my $mech = Test::WWW::Mechanize::Catalyst->new;
my $pt = phoenix_test->new(mech => $mech);

my $cro_resno = $pt->book(sg_auto_enroll => 'on');
my $msg = qr/Your Select Guest number is (\d+)/;
my ($sgnum) = ($mech->content =~ $msg);
"SG number $sgnum created by sg_auto_enroll checkbox");

$msg = 'Activate Account Password & Preferences';
$mech->follow_link_ok({text => $msg},
"click $msg");

my $msg = '!- BEGIN: om/sg/SI4.tt -->';
$mech->content_contains($msg, $msg);
"submit SI4 (form fields should have been defaulted for us)");

my $msg = '!- BEGIN: om/sg/SI3.tt -->';
$mech->content_contains($msg, $msg);
with_fields => \%SI3_args,
}, "submit SI3");

my $msg = '!- BEGIN: om/sg/SG6.tt -->';
$mech->content_contains($msg, $msg);


Saturday, May 8, 2010

Science can answer moral questions

Listened to this on my iPod yesterday. Watched it on YouTube today. Very powerful if you let it sink in.

Science can answer moral questions

I like this piece a lot more than when he spends most of his energy attacking religion. I already agree with him on most of that material, so it's far less interesting to me and too aggressive for my comfort.

Far better to focus on positive changes in science rather than "that over there is patently stupid."