Thursday, May 13, 2010

Catalyst and Quality Assurance bliss

I've fallen in love with website testing. Again. Catalyst and WWW::Mechanize are awesome. The scenario below takes several monotonous and error prone minutes to QA as a human, or several seconds as a series of automated tests. New feature + test coverage == Joy!!

$work[0] test count is back over 3,000 again and Hudson is keeping an eye on everything for us every 30 minutes. Very cool.

$ perl -Ilib t/avail_book_SG-autoenroll_cancel.t
[debug] Statistics enabled
ok 1 - GET
ok 2 - Content-type:
ok 3 - title>
ok 4 - Select a City
ok 5 - No errors
ok 6 - !- BEGIN: om/rr/ -->
ok 7 - !- BEGIN: om/rr/ -->
ok 8 - !- BEGIN: om/rr/ -->
ok 9 - !- BEGIN: om/rr/ -->
ok 10 - Res ID(s) are 40002401426
ok 11 - SG number 62379458 created by sg_auto_enroll checkbox
ok 12 - click Activate Account Password & Preferences
ok 13 - !- BEGIN: om/sg/ -->
ok 14 - submit SI4 (form fields should have been defaulted for us)
ok 15 - !- BEGIN: om/sg/ -->
ok 16 - submit SI3
ok 17 - !- BEGIN: om/sg/ -->
ok 18 - GET /?Phoenix_state=clear&pagedst=RR2
ok 19 - !- BEGIN: om/rr/ --> Retrieved 40002401426 for cancellation
ok 20 - Click 'Cancel Reservation'
ok 21 - Reservation 40002401426 cancelled
$ cat t/avail_book_SG-autoenroll_cancel.t
use Test::WWW::Mechanize::Catalyst 'Phoenix';

use strict;
use Test::More tests => 21;
use FindBin qw($Bin);
use lib "$Bin/lib";
use phoenix_test;

my %SI3_args = (
loginName => ('jhannah' . time),
password => 't123',
EMAIL => '',
Question => 'CITY',
Answer => 'Shmomaha',

my $mech = Test::WWW::Mechanize::Catalyst->new;
my $pt = phoenix_test->new(mech => $mech);

my $cro_resno = $pt->book(sg_auto_enroll => 'on');
my $msg = qr/Your Select Guest number is (\d+)/;
my ($sgnum) = ($mech->content =~ $msg);
"SG number $sgnum created by sg_auto_enroll checkbox");

$msg = 'Activate Account Password & Preferences';
$mech->follow_link_ok({text => $msg},
"click $msg");

my $msg = '!- BEGIN: om/sg/ -->';
$mech->content_contains($msg, $msg);
"submit SI4 (form fields should have been defaulted for us)");

my $msg = '!- BEGIN: om/sg/ -->';
$mech->content_contains($msg, $msg);
with_fields => \%SI3_args,
}, "submit SI3");

my $msg = '!- BEGIN: om/sg/ -->';
$mech->content_contains($msg, $msg);



gtermars said...

What are you using to integrate your Perl testing into Hudson?

Jay said...

prove --harness=TAP::Harness::JUnit --recurse

Works great. :)

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