Saturday, February 28, 2009

Awe-stricken, and Inspired

We went with dear friends Thursday night to Broadway Across America's production of "Cirque Dreams," an event somewhat indescribable but roughly a hybrid of music, drama, and circus. The sets, costumes, and lighting were incredible, depicting jungle life both day and night. But the jaw-dropping centerpiece was the "Oh my God!" artistry and skill of the performers. Seeing the contortionists in a jumble of backwards heads-touching-toes configurations, watching the strong men create a massive pyramid of bulky strength, holding your breath as trapeze artists suspended one another far overhead by grip of ankle and truly in-credible! This is the second such performance I've seen, each of which left me with two main after effects: one, gratitude for the gift of artistry, be it motion and choreography, or sight and sound; and second, the challenge of knowing that only those willing to truly discipline and devote themselves at an exceptional degree are "free" to offer such gifts. I am inspired to find the artistry of my own life and honor it by fuller expression. Therein, methinks, lies the joy.

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