Friday, February 13, 2009

Where were YOU when it happened?

1234567887jhannah@klab:~$ perl -e 'print time'
1234567887jhannah@klab:~$ perl -e 'print time'
1234567888jhannah@klab:~$ perl -e 'print time'
1234567888jhannah@klab:~$ perl -e 'print time'
1234567889jhannah@klab:~$ perl -e 'print time'
1234567889jhannah@klab:~$ perl -e 'print time'
1234567890jhannah@klab:~$ perl -e 'print time'
1234567894jhannah@klab:~$ perl -e 'print time'
I'll never forget this day... -sniff!-

Called my nerd friend Josh to see how his 1234567890 party was going (woooo!! wooo!!) and he forgot this was today. He's in Hawaii with his wife and kid totally missing out. As I sat alone in my cubicle surrounded by my nerdly giggling I couldn't help feeling sorry for him. What a loser.

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